28 Years Old.
I’m twenty eight years old now. Where I want to be in 40? Huh. This quit long period but I need to sketch my life from now. I married. But I don’t have a house and a car. I do have a car but it’s not mine. When I will be 40, what can I do in year 2020? What should I do next 3 years? Do I still work as a lecturer? Last week, I help my friend get a job. He is 29 years old, but still enthusiast to find a new job. Before that he is an engineer with one big firm in Melaka and maybe he was a lead engineer there. Then he decides to join oil gases field and he get a job as Welding Inspector at JB. What he thinking? Does he think about his life or just gamble? But I wish him all the best. I hope he can find what he wants in his life.